My daughter received a Rainbow Loom for a Christmas gift this year, and we are saving patterns we have tried, or patterns we want to try. Many of these were found just by simple online searches. Hopefully our research will help someone else!

If I have improperly credited any photos or tutorials, please contact me via email so I can make necessary corrections. I am happy to provide proper credit and links if I used your tutorial or photo. Thank you!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Fishtail Rainbow Loom Pattern

Fishtail Rainbow Loom Pattern Bracelet

My daughter's fishtail rainbow loom bracelets

Fishtail Rainbow Loom Bracelet

Fishtail Rainbow Loom Bracelet

Fishtail Rainbow Loom Bracelet

Thanks to Ashley Steph for the youtube tutorial

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for your excellent video. My daughter loved it, it was very easy to follow.

    Elise & Lily
